At TRIS we support with “ Short Breaks” The term ‘short breaks’ (also known as respite) is used to
describe the time off that family carers and people with a learning disability can get. These breaks
come in different forms. Some families go to short breaks centres, others are part of schemes
involving placements with families, or receive direct payments to purchase their own support.
Councils must publish a list of all children’s short breaks in their area and make sure there is a wide
range of short break options available locally. They must also bear in mind that some short breaks
might need to be provided to parents proactively, in order to help them to continue to provide care
for their child.
Some families may feel they require some extra support to help them meet the needs of their child.
There are a number of different family support programmes available. Some are for all parents
regardless of whether they have a disabled child, and some are more targeted towards meeting
particular needs. Information and advice
There is a lot of information available to help parents understand more about what support their
child can get. Here are a few of the main sources:
The ‘Local Offer’
Every council must have a Local Offer of support it expects to be available in the local area for
children and young people with SEND. The local offer will be available on the council’s website
Family support programmes can be delivered by a range of providers: some are offered by a council,
while some might be delivered by other organisations.
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