TRIS offers a complete education and special education needs, SEN, mediation service for issues
including bullying, communication breakdowns, disputes with Schools and Local Authorities and
compensation claims. Please click on any of the links at the bottom to read more about each
individual service area. For more information on Global Mediation’s range of education mediation
services, please contact us. lobal Mediation has mediated in a number of education cases.
Examples include:
Family mediation is fast becoming the most popular method by which people are choosing to
resolve family disputes. TRIS can help you to resolve differences in respect of all kinds of family
situations: divorce, separation, the breakdown of civil partnerships, issues over child arrangements,
or difficulties in any relationships within a family. Please Note that it is now a requirement for people
proposing to apply to court on any family law matter to attend a Mediation Information and
Assessment Meeting (MIAM) before their application can be submitted to Court. This is a strong
indication from the Courts and Parliament that people are being encouraged to mediate, rather than
litigate, to resolve family issues.
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